BCIRP Conference 2021
The British Columbia Institutional Research and Planners’ (BCIRP) association has been running for over 15 years providing opportunities for networking, collaboration and professional development. BCIRP includes institutional researchers at all levels, people who work with data and analytics. Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) encompasses many facets, generally including surveys and administrative (financial, student, facilities) data to analyze and report on student success, key performance metrics, and accountability to government. IRP professionals from all public post-secondary institutions (and some privates) work closely with government and other agencies, and these partners are included in the BCIRP meetings: the Ministry of Advanced Education, the Industry Training Authority (ITA), BC Council on Admissions and Transfer, BC Stats, and representatives from the BC Registrars’ Association (BCRA). Appreciating of the level of provincial collaboration in BC, Alberta institutions have since formed a similar group using the BCIRP model. These two provincial groups meet together on occasion.
Plaid Analytics' presenting topic: Data Warehousing for SEM
Presenters: Andrew Drinkwater (President at Plaid Analytics) and Patrick Lougheed (Chief Technology Officer at Plaid Analytics)
Thank you for spending your time with us online June 17, 2021 and making this a great conference.
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