Modernizing Strategic Enrollment Management with Plaid Forecast (May 2024)

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Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) & Planning is becoming imperative in higher education due to changing demographics, increasing transparency requirements, funding challenges, and shifting program mixes. SEM is a comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain optimal enrolment, where optimal is defined within the academic context of the institution (Dolence, 1993).

Join our webinar which focuses on how Plaid Forecast can support institutions in meeting their Strategic Enrollment Management goals.

— Why Attend? —

Expert Insights: Gain insights from industry leaders with a wealth of experience in strategic enrollment management.

Practical Strategies: Acquire actionable strategies to implement SEM effectively within your institution.

Plaid Forecast Demo: Witness a live demonstration of Plaid Forecast in action, showcasing its user-friendly interface and its role in revolutionizing enrollment forecasting.

— Who Should Attend? —

  • Strategic Enrollment Management Leaders & Professionals

  • VPs responsible for Enrollment

  • Institutional Research Professionals

— About — Plaid Forecast is a mobile-friendly, web-based enrolment scenario forecasting platform built exclusively for higher education. This cloud-based platform utilizing supervised machine learning enables collaborative, easy-to-use, accurate enrollment forecasting by many different stakeholders within an institution in seconds rather than hours.

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Webinar Details



  • Andrew Drinkwater